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anybody to take over?
in fact, succession management is one of the core challenges...
of small and medium sized companies these days.
yet, despite an increasing need for people to take over...
very often important measures are not taken.
but is sitting and waiting really the answer?
definitely not.
according to the survey by the kfw...
companies invest 40% more if the succession issue has been solved.
this is understandable because who would seriously ...
ride a dead horse?
but how can you attract next generation successors?
keep your company alive.
don't sit back. contribute to it's growth.
what about using innovation as an incentive?
innovation, the proven key driver for business recovery and growth.
innovation, which may now be more important than ever before.
your and your company's achievement deserve to be in good hands.
wouldn't you agree with that?
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anybody to take over?
in fact, succession management is one of the core challenges...
of small and medium sized companies these days.
yet, despite an increasing need for people to take over...
very often important measures are not taken.
but is sitting and waiting really the answer?
definitely not.
according to the survey by the kfw...
companies invest 40% more if the succession issue has been solved.
this is understandable because who would seriously ...
ride a dead horse?
but how can you attract next generation successors?
keep your company alive.
don't sit back. contribute to it's growth.
what about using innovation as an incentive?
innovation, the proven key driver for business recovery and growth.
innovation, which may now be more important than ever before.
your and your company's achievement deserve to be in good hands.
wouldn't you agree with that?

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