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more than 70% of employees
quit because they see...
no future advancement.
in their current jobs.
this is the result of a...
survey by willis tower watson.
what does that mean for your company culture...
and growth?
it means if you offer your employees...
perspectives and opportunities to grow...
the retention risk...
will decrease dramatically.
but how does a company...
how will your company grow?
the master keys called innovation.
you want to advance?
helping your employees reach a higher level...
is the best way.
what should you do then?
establish an innovation culture.
enthuse your employees with...
the desire to create and make impact.
you need help with that?
why not ask innovations enthusiasts?
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more than 70% of employees
quit because they see...
no future advancement.
in their current jobs.
this is the result of a...
survey by willis tower watson.
what does that mean for your company culture...
and growth?
it means if you offer your employees...
perspectives and opportunities to grow...
the retention risk...
will decrease dramatically.
but how does a company...
how will your company grow?
the master keys called innovation.
you want to advance?
helping your employees reach a higher level...
is the best way.
what should you do then?
establish an innovation culture.
enthuse your employees with...
the desire to create and make impact.
you need help with that?
why not ask innovations enthusiasts?

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