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the real price of anything is
let's think about it for a minute
almost everything we do is measured by time or money
also if we want to make money, we have to invest time.
so please tell me why we are always looking at the budget?
you probably won't find anyone who is doing it much cheaper
i say - above all, look at the time as well.
classic product development takes several months to years.
let's focus on simplifying the process
reduce annoying discussions
reduce annoying meetings
reduce annoying decision processes
focus on output
focus on something tangible
focus on doing instead of talking.
focus on instant customer feedback.
the real price of anything is time.
if you want to learn on how to speed up the innovation process...
just follow!
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the real price of anything is
let's think about it for a minute
almost everything we do is measured by time or money
also if we want to make money, we have to invest time.
so please tell me why we are always looking at the budget?
you probably won't find anyone who is doing it much cheaper...
i say - above all, look at the time as well.
classic product development takes several months to years.
let's focus on simplifying the process...
reduce annoying discussions.
reduce annoying meetings.
reduce annoying decision processes.
focus on output.
focus on something tangible.
focus on doing instead of talking.
focus on instant customer feedback.
the real price of anything is time.
if you want to learn on how to speed up the innovation process...
just follow!

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