As an SME you're the backbone of the economy

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you are the backbone of the economy.
yet, there is a large gap between...
small and medium sized companies and corporations...
when it comes to innovative approaches.
we lack innovation space.
we lack an innovation team.
we lack time and money for innovation.
that's what we often hear from small and medium sized companies.
are you sure that that is true?
why not integrate everybody in your company in the process?
why pay for an expensive innovation lab you don't need?
why hire people if they are already there?
why leave innovation up to big companies...
if you can do it yourself?
why let others shape the future...
if you can do it too?
if you are an sme...
and want to feel the magic...
when your innovation hits the market...
we are all ears.
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you are the backbone of the economy.
yet, there is a large gap between...
small and medium sized companies and corporations...
when it comes to innovative approaches.
we lack innovation space.
we lack an innovation team.
we lack time and money for innovation.
that's what we often hear from small and medium sized companies.
are you sure that that is true?
why not integrate everybody in your company in the process?
why pay for an expensive innovation lab you don't need?
why hire people if they are already there?
why leave innovation up to big companies...
if you can do it yourself?
why let others shape the future...
if you can do it too?
if you are an sme...
and want to feel the magic...
when your innovation hits the market...
we are all ears.

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As an SME you're the backbone of the economy
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