crisis I can't hear it anymore.

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crisis? i can't hear it anymore.
wherever you go, whenever you switch on your tv...
people talk about the pandemic.
it has been like that for more than a year.
yes, the crisis has been hitting everybody-some more, some less.
but waiting for times to become better won't help.
whatever crisis, whatever challenge i had to face in my life...
sitting and waiting has never been an option...
no matter how hard it was, because...
i was born a fighter.
every crisis made me unlock more potential.
it made me stronger than before, made me grow.
the past year has been a particular challenge to me jobwise.
yet, instead of letting fear take over, i reacted and acted...
by somewhat reinvesting myself.
yes, there was some risk and it needed some courage as well.
but isn't life full of risks and don't you have to be...
brave to achieve your goals...
even and particularly in hard times?
if crisis means turning point is there a single reason to wait...
until it's over? shouldn't we seize the opportunity...
to shape the future, to create something new?
we're in this together, which is why we should pool our strengths...
for doing nothing is always the worst things to do.
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crisis? i can't hear it anymore.
wherever you go, whenever you switch on your tv...
people talk about the pandemic.
it has been like that for more than a year.
yes, the crisis has been hitting everybody-some more, some less.
but waiting for times to become better won't help.
whatever crisis, whatever challenge i had to face in my life...
sitting and waiting has never been an option...
no matter how hard it was, because...
i was born a fighter.
every crisis made me unlock more potential.
it made me stronger than before, made me grow.
the past year has been a particular challenge to me jobwise.
yet, instead of letting fear take over, i reacted and acted...
by somewhat reinvesting myself.
yes, there was some risk and it needed some courage as well.
but isn't life full of risks and don't you have to be...
brave to achieve your goals...
even and particularly in hard times?
if crisis means turning point is there a single reason to wait...
until it's over? shouldn't we seize the opportunity...
to shape the future, to create something new?
we're in this together, which is why we should pool our strengths...
for doing nothing is always the worst things to do.

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crisis I can't hear it anymore.
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