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find your fire.
if you ask people what...
they are passionate about...
the answer is not always not clear...
if there is any answer at all.
yet, sometimes it needs just a word or any other little nudge...
for the aha moment to come.
and then you are unstoppable.
really? maybe you think your idea is too crazy.
and you believe the ones who say...
what you want is impossible.
what about all those crazy ideas then?
there's no chance that the iphone is going to get any...
significant market share, no chance. steve ballmer, 2007
there is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home. ken olsen, 1977
when the paris exhibition (of1878) closes, electric light will close with it and...
no more will be heard of it.  eramus wilson
don't listen to naysayers.
listen to your heart...
find your fire and keep it burning.
build. test. learn.
that's the only way to find out whether...
people will like what you are passionate about...
and give your idea, however crazy you may think it is...
a fair chance to become a success.
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find your fire.
if you ask people what...
they are passionate about...
the answer is not always not clear...
if there is any answer at all.
yet, sometimes it needs just a word or any other little nudge...
for the aha moment to come.
and then you are unstoppable.
really? maybe you think your idea is too crazy.
and you believe the ones who say...
what you want is impossible.
what about all those crazy ideas then?
there's no chance that the iphone is going to get any...
significant market share, no chance. steve ballmer, 2007
there is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home. ken olsen, 1977
when the paris exhibition (of1878) closes, electric light will close with it and...
no more will be heard of it.  eramus wilson
don't listen to naysayers.
listen to your heart...
find your fire and keep it burning.
build. test. learn.
that's the only way to find out whether...
people will like what you are passionate about...
and give your idea, however crazy you may think it is...
a fair chance to become a success.

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