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my personal innovator's story?
lars, you work for such cool brands!
yeah right.
lars, this must be a dream job!
yeah right.
lars it looks so easy when you and your team are innovating!
yeah right.
lars, can i do that too?
yes, sure...
but let me tell you how easy it really is...
yes, we have worked together with some of the most innovative brands of the world.
you want to know how we did it?
there is no magic...
we took the initiative to build prototypes that we were totally convinced would be a real benefit tot he companies.
lars, and then you earned millions, right?
not exactly
you know what the most common reaction to our innovations was?
for years we have been rejected.
we did countless pro bono projects
or we have worked at hourly rates that no engineer in the world would work for
we have eaten shit over and over again
and then after years, suddenly...
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rejected. accepted. this is the life of an innovator!
so lars, what is your biggest learning from all this!
just don't give up.
you will win if you don't quit.
can you name a few innovations that you have helped to develop?
there is too much to list...
here are just three of them!
you guys are so great!
we are just like everybody else out there. we are not smarter, better or more attractive*. we only do what is 100% our passion. *ok maybe a little more attractive ;-)
we're only doing what's 100% our passion. that's no magic.
my message to you..
keep going!
you get hit in the face?
keep going!
you get rejected?
keep going!
always keep going!
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my personal innovator's story?
lars, you work for such cool brands!
yeah right.
lars, this must be a dream job!
yeah right.
lars it looks so easy when you and your team are innovating!
yeah right.
lars, can i do that too?
yes, sure...
but let me tell you how easy it really is...
yes, we have worked together with some of the most innovative brands of the world.
you want to know how we did it?
there is no magic...
we took the initiative to build prototypes that we were totally convinced would be a real benefit tot he companies.
lars, and then you earned millions, right?
not exactly
you know what the most common reaction to our innovations was?
for years we have been rejected.
we did countless pro bono projects
or we have worked at hourly rates that no engineer in the world would work for
we have eaten shit over and over again
and then after years, suddenly...
rejected. accepted. this is the life of an innovator!
so lars, what is your biggest learning from all this!
just don't give up.
you will win if you don't quit.
can you name a few innovations that you have helped to develop?
there is too much to list...
here are just three of them!

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