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the concorde fallacy
do you remember
the supersonic (ad)venture
of the uk and france
and its sad end?
concorde or sunk cost fallacy...
is an issue that occurs
quite often in projects.
but why does it?
well, there are two main reasons:
one is fear of failure.
and the other one is...
loss aversion.
they explain why people..
cant let go...
and pass the point of no return
previous investments are...
used as a rationale...
for continuing a dead end project...
which can result in total loss
so remember well...
there may come...
the moment to...
pull the emergency brake and...
let go.
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the concorde fallacy
do you remember...
the supersonic (ad)venture
of the uk and france
and its sad end?
concorde or sunk cost fallacy...
is an issue that occurs...
quite often in projects.
but why does it?
well, there are two main reasons:
one is fear of failure.
and the other one is...
loss aversion.
they explain why people...
cant let go...
and pass the point of no return.
previous investments are...
used as a rationale...
for continuing a dead end project...
which can result in total loss.
so remember well...
there may come...
the moment to...
pull the emergency brake and...
let go.

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