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why i dont believe in project management anymore
very often we get the following request.
lars, what project management methods do you use?...
lars, what project management software do you use?...
the answer!?
no method. no software. no management
at least when it comes to innovation development
but without project management how can you do any projects at all?!
way better!
in fact...
we always had big struggles with our project management
and we tried a lot.
we hired more experienced people
we bought expensive software solutions
we tested different methods
we even implemented project controlling ;-)
lars, what was the result?
in the end it didn't really get better
so, what do you do instead today?
first of all we give everyone a clear understanding of the product vision
but that's a different story...
within a week, you simply need no management
we talk to each other at least twice a day...
define the tasks for each team member together...
and then show all the team members our results
even if they are semi-finished...
lars, is that already all the magic?
of course not! what's way more important...
we define the goals that we want to reach per day.
each team member does his for themselves
the result if nobody tells you what to do...
and your tasks are short-term and clear:
you simply need no classic management.
but don't you need someone who is the project lead?!
in fact, it's more a facilitation approach.
each participant is the lead for his own tasks
but how is it possible? normally you need lots of details to be managed??
we focus on the weekly goal, and set clear deadlines, in this way , we avoid over perfectionism, which is very common otherwise.
this means that the money that i would have normally spent on management is instead invested directly intangible results??
we found out...
clear deadlines, clear goals, short intensive work phases in combination with close cooperation...
without waiting times and hours-long coordination meetings increase productivity by up to 45%
no busy time , i.e. the team works full time on one task, which reduces unproductive times by up to 40%
no multitasking and constant switching between several projects. that also leads to up to 30% more productivity
daily handover and coordination of the results prevents projects from taking the wrong direction and reduce cost risks to an absolute minimum
and what's even more important:
if it really really turns out that someone needs help while being in the process people start helping each other to get the job done.
all this in just one week instead of usual months or years.
it's your choice;-)
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